Please post the links to three applications you have voted on:
drei → About.
Name: Rime
Stamped as:
Eliot~ ♥Would you prefer having: two mothers, two fathers, a father and a mother or it dosen't matter? Frankly, I really don't care. |D
→ Yourself.
Likes: music (playing, singing, writing, listening, all goes, and almost every kind too), art, drawing, writing, reading, playing (video games!), good food, cats, learning.
Dislikes: mice and other little devils inside the walls (also, mice getting caught in traps/animal cruelty in general *shudders*), insects (I have a great fear of them), stupid people, racism/general unaccepting behavior, certain foods and when feeling annoyed, a lot of other stuff.
In your opinion, what is your best and worst quality? Best and worst? Hmm... BEST: maybe that I'm generally very open-minded and accepting, no matter what it is. Really, I'm so laid-back about stuff and then go wtf when other people aren't.
WORST: I uuuh have kind of a short temper sometimes. Especially when people don't either a) listen to what I say or b) completely miss my point. Also when they get too judgmental while I myself am just like "yeah whatever live and let live" /sobs
What is your dreams/ambitions? I really have no idea. I'd prefer to be able to do something creative - like, say, write, draw, or something to do with music perhaps. (Then again, I've been considering becoming a teacher.)
Describe your personality in 6 words or less: open-minded, temperamental, friendly freak.
→ Opinion
(Please elaborate a little bit on each)
Are you...
Mature or Immature? Depends on who I'm with~ Usually more mature, although I can revert to a very immature state with the right company.
Speaker or Listener? Uuuh both? I ♥ to talk, even if people don't listen, but gladly listen to others when they want to talk. (Especially since I know how it feels to talk and have people not listen/care.)
Leader or a Follower? More of a follower, I believe. I don't want to make decisions unless I have to! Especially if they involve other people. Don't involve other people with me! /hermit
Rash or Cautious? Ha ha ha- cautious. I may seem like a rash person sometimes but really, I prefer to tread lightly. ...or would like to, at least.
Outgoing or MoeShy? More outgoing, actually! Well yeah, I'm pretty awkward with new people, but try to cover it by babbling, and often refer to that as shyness but fff. It's really not is it.
Hyper, Calm or in-between? In between? Leaning a bit more towards hyper, probably. Or depends on my mood and company.
Modest or Bold? Again, depends a lot on the company! I try to be modest but more often than not am just. Bold. >>;
Optimistic or Pessimistic? Somewhere in-between, depending on my mood. More of an optimist, though - an optimistic realist. I like to think there's always tomorrow even when today is nothing but shit.
Hardworking or Laid-back? I call laid-back. Can be hardworking too, just... meh.
→ Situational.
When on a assignment/mission given by Pandora, you find out that someone on your team you dislike is in trouble. What would you do? Help him/her, Alert someone else to help him/her or completely Ignore it? Probably alert someone else to the job. Wouldn't want to lose a comrade, no matter how annoying, but if it's someone I can't stand things might just take a turn for the worse...
When you're in a fix on something, anything at all, do you remain calm or start panicking? Uh yeaaaah I would panic. And then probably try to calm down (and probably fail at that.)
When the situation gets turned not to your advantage, do you remain clam and face it, call for help or just run away from it? Run away first! Then call for help.
How would you react if you find yourself in the abyss? Seriously? I would probably freak out like there's no tomorrow.
Would you prefer to be going on assignments for Pandora in other cities/towns getting rid of enemy chains and/or gathering information, staying behind in Pandora and being the strategist/doing paperwork/assigning missions or just be a Student at Latowidge? Procrastination! I like studying, so student at Latowidge - OR, if I was in Pandora, I'd gather information. Possibly go on assignments myself, since traveling is not so bad... but I'd rather not just rot doing some paperwork in some shady corner of an old library. That's nice every once in a while, really, but...
Would you form a contract with a Chain? Depends on the Chain and how it would affect my life! Probably... uh... yes, though. >>;
→ Misc.
Any problems with the questions? Hahahaha not really, just trying not to RANT so much. >>;
Any suggestions that could help improve the comm? Eeh, can't think of anything that I haven't said already.
Anything else? Eager to see what you have for me, guys...