Please post the links to three applications you have voted on:
Tres ;; About yourself
Name: Zaphir/Mel/Mikari
Stamped as:
Reo ;; On to the theme questions
What are three things you hate in a person? : Arrogance, Authoritative and Insensible
What are three things you like? : Calm, Quick-thinking and Sarcasm (cause it's amusing)
Have you gotten yourself into a very problematic argument before? and over what? : Don't think I have since I'm a pretty "let-it-slide-as-long-as-you-don't-insult-me-directly" type of person.
;; The This or That
What trait in a person annoys you more:
Short-tempered or cold? Short-tempered, those people annoy the hell outta me. (Besides, I'm actually cold myself so no reason to be anooyed by people who are)
Abrasive or a poser? Abrasive. They just rub/come off the wrong way.
Arrogant or stuck up? Can't choose. I these both as much as each other.
Blunt or sarcastic? Blunt. Sarcasm is interesting to listen to. Bluntness is...maybe, just maybe I feel like shoving a knife down the person's throat ^^ Sounds nice~
;; In-Universe -By this time Zaphir's brain died- <-- Yes it did and it's all thanks to the this or that section.
Would you ever go against your superiors? and if you would, for what reason? Probably yes, if I think whatever plans they come up with/decide is too rash/biased or has hints of cowardness. I can never stand anyone who resorts to running away from the truth or covering up their faults with excuses. Biased, well that's just being rude and conceited.
Make up your own chain and describe what it's main power/ability is: ...-uses OCs- (I can come up with these guys in a flash really...explains why I have so many...) Codename: Gemini. Human-looking chain twins named Shirogane and Kurogane (I think an appearence similar to an older Fay and Yuui from TRC). The strength of their elemental magic depends on how close each other are and if they are sepreated, each of their powers are halved. With effort and phychological strength they can merge into one chain named Arcana. They're magic oriented and I can borrow the magic if I choose to.
Who are two people you think you'd have problems with? Vincent. I like Vincent and all but honestly, if I ever met him, I'd think he's really creepy. The next would probably be Eliot (more likely I'd dislike him) since he's always pretty blunt and (seemingly) arrogant.
and who do you think would share the same opinion with you for the above? Maybe Break or...whoever dislikes/isn't too good with Eliot...^^;
;; Misc.
Any problems with the questions?
Any suggestions that could help improve the comm? Don't tell me I need to fill this in XD
Anything else? I feel as if I filled in a bit too little...and that I sound like Eliot with the "going against your superiors" question XD
PS I still remember to do up the remaining stamps. Someone rush me to remind me please~