I don't get it.

Jan 22, 2011 22:21

I really just don't get it. I don't get what makes me special to the people I have been with in the past. Even a few of my guy friends that I wasn't ever in a romantic relationship with previously have told me that they wanted to be. Almost all of them came looking for me and not the other way around. It's almost a running joke around here, because they have been crawling out of the woodwork lately.

I really don't get it though. I'm not that exceptional. I'm cute, I guess, but not really what would be considered "pretty". I think I'm fairly intelligent, but there are much smarter and more attractive women. I really don't understand what it is. I have one guy friend that I feel comfortable enough to ask him why, but that doesn't answer for any of the others and I don't know how to ask without them thinking I am asking for reasons other than honest curiosity.

This is really not a "validate me PLEASE" post. Just thoughts that have been rolling around since the other night. I just don't get it.


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