
May 14, 2010 21:29

I feel like crap. I started to feel like crap last night. Little Human has become Satan's Child the last few weeks. Yesterday was horrible. I swore he wouldn't make it through the day. Last night when I went to bed I was way too cold and was achy. I woke up whimpering because it hurt so much. Jonathan was snoring and between that and the pain, I was not pleased. This morning I went back to bed for a few hours.

Jonathan and I have been arguing over the daycare situation. He knows that I am needing more of a break than what I am getting. Especially now that LH is evil. I know I need more too, but am not wanting to spend the money on it. Well, the other day he discovered that he should have been getting a discount on the daycare because of where he works. The director decided to prorate it back to when LH started daycare, so now we have three months of an extra day of daycare at no cost. YAY FOR LITTLE HUMAN BEING IN DAYCARE 3 DAYS A WEEK!!!

Also, we have a ton of moths in out house and I wish our cats weren't so freaking lazy!

sick, dubs

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