This has been a strange week...

Sep 23, 2009 23:00

Little Human started daycare 2 weeks ago. He got sick (as did the rest of us)and so he didn't get to go last week at all. Then he went back on Monday of this week. When I went to pick him up, Miss Carmen (the 2 year teacher) said that he had been fussy all day, and she thought he wasn't feeling well. He hadn't slept well the night before, so I just assumed that was all.

On Tuesday he was really whiny. Little Human is not usually whiny. I noticed his ear was kinda clogged looking. When I get sick my right ear gets clogged something fierce. I used a little warm water and an aspirator to clean it out just like the pediatrician told me to. He just would not stop fussing. I was concerned but had other stuff on my plate and I thought that he was fussing because he had gotten used to being cuddled while he was sick.

Tuesday was also the day mom had the juried panel at the Wooden Cow Art Gallery. She had already gotten confirmation that two pieces were going to be in the October show but she also was trying to get in the consignment side of it too. I wanted to go with her for moral support. I figured that Little Human was just being a grumpbutt.

Jonathan took him to the urgent care at UNMH Tuesday night since he wouldn't calm down. He had an ear infection brought on by the cold from the week before and his eardrum had a perforation. *facepalm* No wonder he was fussy. The perforation had already healed over, which was helped along by my cleaning his ear out (thank goodness, since I was worried I had made it worse). He's on antibiotics. I kept him out of daycare today, since he was still fussy. He goes on Friday though.

Mom got into the gallery. They want her to bring 4-5 pieces on Saturday and they will hang what they have room for. My mom has delusions of inadequacy. She thinks no one likes her art. No one has seen her art for 8 FUCKING YEARS!!! The last show was in a church. She sold 5 or 6 pieces I think (maybe more). The other woman showing with her didn't sell anything. Argh! She makes me mad.

Of course before the panel on Tues there was stress, and something got said that bruised my feelings, but I think in the end, it all worked out. Little Human is fine, mom has an art gallery opening, and my feelings are no worse for wear.

The rest of this week will be spent cleaning out the pantry cabinet (cuz something smells really odd coming out of there...), finishing the kitchen, maybe, and getting the pieces ready for the gallery. Now, it is bedtime.

dubs, mom, home :)

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