It's a bit too late for apologies

Mar 14, 2009 11:32

Who : Celebrimbor, Galadriel, Pandora
What : In which Galadriel tries to apologize to Celebrimbor and Pandora for her behavior, and is sent away, much to her depression.
When : March 8th 2009
Rating : General

Celebrimbor : *coming in from the forge, a little smudged*

Galadriel : *in the common room, reading, eyes creased with lack of sleep*

Celebrimbor : *sees her, and immediately turns to go somewhere she isn't*

Galadriel : *looks up, and sighs, audibly* Celebrimbor?

Celebrimbor : *hesitates* What?

Galadriel : *stands, inclines her head* we should -- *ack, this is awkward* -- a moment, please?

Celebrimbor : *dryly* Should we? *hesitates, but turns toward her with a sigh* What do you want?

Galadriel : *sighs* to apologize, again.

Celebrimbor : *sigh* I'm sure you do. *half muttered to himself, starts to turn away again, doesn't want to deal with this*

Galadriel : I was harsh to your lady friend. *quickly*

Celebrimbor : Yes. You were.

Galadriel : *looks down* I would that you forgive me for my ways. It was uncalled for.

Celebrimbor : It /was/ uncalled for. Why did you treat her like that? She has done nothing to deserve your hate.

Galadriel : *colors, a little* did she not tell you already?

Celebrimbor : *very little expression on his face* I was giving you a chance to give your side of it yourself.

Galadriel : *looks down* I never met anyone like her. I had many a reason to distrust her on sight.

Celebrimbor : And of course my vouching for her meant nothing. The fact that she's friends with Celegorm and /Finrod/ means nothing.

Galadriel : Neither of this is true. It was her nature which set me off. *quietly*

Celebrimbor : I'm afraid that I don't find myself very sympathetic.

Galadriel : I do not blame you for it. *looks up* It may be common for you, to deal with someone who can read through one's soul. It is not for me.

Celebrimbor : There's no need to be hateful to her because of it.

Galadriel : No, there's none.

Celebrimbor : And I'm not the one you should be apologizing to.

Galadriel : You are the one in front of me this moment.

Celebrimbor : *nods* *wishes he wasn't*

Galadriel : *yeah, really* Would you have me speak to her, then?

Celebrimbor : *no* Yes.

Galadriel : *you are one confusing fellow, Cele. Particularly to mind readers* I am at your disposal should you wish me to.

Celebrimbor : An apology to her would mean nothing if you're only doing it to appease me.

Galadriel : *it's better than nothing, you are so difficult, you* It's not to appease you.

Celebrimbor : Of course. *wants to go back to his forge or his room or anywhere that's not here*

Galadriel : Shall we find her, then?

Celebrimbor : Fine. Lets go. *and turns toward the stares, thinking that they might find Pan in their rooms*

* Galadriel sets mode: +l 3

* Pandora ( has joined #GalieCeleMarch8thDespFans

Galadriel : *follows, in complete silence*

*is indeed upstairs*

Celebrimbor : *opens the door a bit, standing in the opening and leaving Galadriel still in the hallway* Lydia?

*calls from her room* Carus?

* Galadriel sets mode: +o Pandora

Celebrimbor : Meleth...Galadriel wishes to apologize to you, for what happened at the wedding.

Pandora : *eyerbrows* does she now.

Celebrimbor : She says she does. She's here.

Pandora : How peculiar. *looks at him keenly* I suppose it can't hurt. *oh, what the heck, moves to come and wrap an arm around his waist, to kiss his cheek*

Celebrimbor : *returns the kiss and gives her a squeeze before stepping aside enough to open the door the rest of the way for Galadriel*

Galadriel : *steps in, then, barely into the room* I believe we are past niceties. *quietly*

Pandora : *just as quiet* Are we?

Galadriel : Mayhap. Pray forgive my behavior.

Pandora : You understand now that Celebrimbor and I are good for each other? *quietly*

Galadriel : *equally quiet, surprisingly sincere* I do.

Celebrimbor : *and /is/ surprised, though he does his best not to show it*

Pandora : And you will not interfere with us? *still very quiet, and very attentive*

Galadriel : I will not. *sternly*

Pandora : *nods* Good. Now, you should tell him the remainder.

Galadriel : *ack ack ack ack ack you read my mind again you bitch* Please don't do that.

Celebrimbor : *just /looks/ at Galadriel, clearly waiting for her to tell him*

Galadriel : I was never able to see anything clearly where you were concerned. *quietly*

Pandora : And? *yeah, there's more*

Celebrimbor : *waiting to see if Galadriel will tell what Lydia is prompting her to*

Galadriel : *at her feet* ... I envied you. *and now she's crimson*

Celebrimbor : .../Envied/? *and which you, Cele or Cele&Pan?*

Galadriel : *nods, again* You gave him what I could not. *still looking down, and one lone tear leaves her eyes, and falls to the floor*

Celebrimbor : *so, envied Lydia?* *quietly* What you never would.

Galadriel : *all of the above, really* I failed you. *so softly*

Celebrimbor : You did. *sorry Galie, he's...yeah.*

Galadriel : *we don't blame him* I will ever regret it. *quietly*

Celebrimbor : I'm sure you will.

Pandora : *a soft sound* You should go, Lady.

Galadriel : *nods* I should. Good bye, then.

Celebrimbor : *nod* Good bye.

Galadriel : *goes, feeling still quite miserable*

who:celebrimbor, rating:general, type:chat log, who:galadriel

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