Enter a subject...(coz i cant think of anything witty as of the moment..)

Nov 22, 2007 18:37

well...for the most part of the week (counts off three fingers...) make that monday till yesterday i've been extremely stomach pains...i've been bed ridden and too weak to get out to get myself a decent meal...

just when i was really looking forward to the divisoria trip...curses...

i was worried that i had ulcers but then i dont skip meals...i love eating too much to ever skip out on a meal~ i was feeling lousy already on monday right when i woke up, dont know what caused it but i wasnt feeling well and my stomach wouldnt stop complaining...i ended up spending the entire shift in the sleeping quarters just trying to wrestle with the pain. thank god for honey, playing nurse and helping me out and helping me get home safe and sound and calling up every now and then to make sure i was fine then taking me to the doctor (i dont like going to doctors by the way...)

i hate stomach pains
i hate going to doctors and i hate getting prescriptions

if i had it my own stubborn little way, i wouldnt get sick- getting sick is just a pain in the ass and i hate making people worry and fuss =_______= not to mention how expensive meds are getting...at least my stomach isnt throwing fits anymore...

but having internal pains...it just annerves me...i dont understand it and i think thats what gets to me- its happening to me inside me somewhere to parts that are supposed to be mine but being the owner of them can give no logical explanation as to the cause of their misbehavior/misconduct. then you have to go to some complete stranger who you takes one look at you, examines you, asks a couple of questions then boom- shes got a theory, a conclusion an explanation of your condition!


i had some epigastric something something something...which i cannot remember for the life of me because i was sick...its written down somewhere i know but i at least managed to ask a couple of coherent questions before purchasing the meds~

my only say on this is that when im well and these inane gastric pains have gone away im going to whip up my favorite desserts...and make some sukiyaki because unfornately as my mom has inherited my grandmothers cooking prowess...i on the otherhand only know how to cook sukiyaki...but i do make pretty good sukiyaki as my ma says~

and i like making ice cream sandwiches and smore ice cream sandwiches and...god...i need my sweets...

sweet deprivation is bad for my drawing hand, writing hand and the inner workings of my already befuddled brain...
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