Jun 17, 2010 11:09
So now that the season is over, here's how my viewing went
Bones - Was right not to trust the writers, stopped watching at the 100th ep.
Caprica - Still need to catch up.
Castle - Still loving Castle, glad annoying cop is gone.
Chuck - Love it and can't wait till the new season starts.
FlashForward - It's canceled and I still need to watch the last few eps. Kinda sad about the cancellation but it wasn't unexpected
Fringe - Looking forward to next season.
Legend of the Seeker - Enjoyed the cheesy fantasy while it lasted, kinda sorry to see it go.
Lost - Not a whole lot of answers, but I really didn't expect any so I'm fine with the ending for the most part.
SGU - So I watched the whole season and still don't like most of the characters. The cliffhanger isn't much of one for me because if they all die it wouldn't really bother me.
Smallville - This is my guilty pleasure, enough said.
V - Have to catch up, but since it's been renewed I'll make some time and see where it has gone.
Summer Viewing -
Happy Town - Weird and quirky but holding my interest.
Persons Unknown - Two eps so far but a very interesting show, hope they actually have a plan for it.
Starting in July -
Eureka - Looking forward to S4 and James Callis being part of the cast
Warehouse 13 - For me it's uneven, some eps are interesting some not so much, but I like the characters enough to tune in.
And does anyone know when Sanctuary starts up again, I would think fairly soon but navigating SyFy.com is a joke.