Aug 13, 2010 20:00
Today I received an email from "President Obama", via the website. The subject line read: "Kim, it's time to commit to vote." I felt I must respond. So, I hit Reply and said:
Dear President Obama,
It's time for YOU to commit to taking a progressive stand on something. I'm kind of disgusted with the lack of commitment on the Democratic end. You get a check mark for at least attempting to tackle the healthcare issue, but it could have been pushed harder and farther. And other than that, I'm not seeing any of this "hope" you spoke of. In fact, I see a whole lot of Bush-era legislation being left in place and, in some instances, pushed to newer, scarier limits. I only wish you were half the Socialist the right wing makes you out to be. Ask me to commit when you're ready to commit to the promises you spewed during your campaign.
I wonder if they'll pass that message along to him for me?
Everyone should write to these arseholes - they need to know the left is pissed off!