slow emersion out of hermitude

Oct 12, 2006 11:12

yes. the unsuccessful search for employment (good employment, that is) failed. why is there nothing except of lab work for a biology major?! jerkasses.

so, i went to a Starbucks hiring session in North Park yesterday to try for a minimum wage position. i felt better knowing that quite a few college grads do this, but it certainly didn't help me knowing i'd be working for 7:50 or however much minimum wage is. the interviews went well. yes, plural. they had two managers ask me the same questions. still went well. the last guy pretty much said i'd get another call soon for a ....THIRD interview. oh honestly.
once i find out whether or not i get the job, and where, i'll let you all know so you can come visit me.

the prospect of possibly opening frightens me -- i'd have to arrive at 4:15 am. that's closer to the time i go to sleep. damn.

in other news, i missed the date of my CBEST. i was soooo sure it was today. and then i checked my email, found out it was in fact, last saturday. fuck.

we have a kitten. adopted her from The Rescue House. haven't found a name yet, but picked her hyper-ass up yesterday. she didn't let me sleep last night as she believes my head contains a cat nipple. dig. purr. lick. bite. scratch Leah's eyes out. that's pretty much what happened until i let her go and play with Dan.
Orpheus tried to eat her food! what a fat bastard. poor thing is upset that his territory has suddenly been downgraded. poor fat Orphie.

haven't done very much else. drawed a bit, bought a couple CDs -- Imogen Heap and Ray Lamontagne.

my cheesecake was fucking awesome! you don't even know.
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