
Dec 01, 2003 11:57

Why am I posting? To show off my new icon (courtesy of lethebasii , of course!
Actually, I have been meaning to update this thing more often. Not that I have anything all that interesting to share with the masses, but it won't hhurt to have a journal of just nonsense to amuse myself with.
So...what's new? ...What's not?
The baby (to be called Ivy from this point forward) is a mere 2 weeks away from being 6 months old. She's enormous. At her last dr. appt. she weighed in at 15 lbs. 10 oz. that was almost 2 monthes ago so I'm estimating that she's well into the 18 lbs range now. (This is a very educated guess, being as I carry her absolutely everywhere. Go Arm Muscles!)
I am almost done with Christmas shopping. If I could stop thinking of one more person that I need to get a gift for I would be in good shape.
This is my last week of school before Christmas break. (Yes I know there is still finals week. I don't want to think about it. I want to think that this is the last week, so there.)
I really should go check on Ivy and take a shower. Hmmm...isn't journaling fun?!
The Pandora7 thing to do today is: Buy hair bleach!
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