Nov 06, 2006 22:23
Ok, so you know how the saying goes, "Just take it one step at a time". Well after 20 years of hearing it, I am begining to learn its value. Last night I got smacked in the brain by the idea that in exactly 60 days from right now, I will be on a trans-Atlantic flight - YIPES! Unfortunately, no matter how much this whole thing freaks me out, it's still coming. But I just have to take it a day at a time.
I have 60 days to spend with friends.
60 days to see family
60 days to get stuff together
60 days to prepare and breathe
60 days to have fun and be around the people I care about the most.
And to start this stretch out right...
I've been hanging with my guys
One of my friends just got engaged
I'm going to Chicago to see my best friend and spend 3 days with her!
I have a new friend in Spain who's talking me down, and walking me through it.
I hate to say this, because it always comes back to bite me in the butt, but things are coming together. There are still some rocky areas, but I have a few weeks to work on those. Projects are coming up due, but there are very few that I am uncomfortable with right now (one of which I am avoiding by writing this hehehe).
No, this isn't where I saw myself at the begining of the semester, according to that plan I'm way off course. But Man plans and the PTBs just laugh, right? It may be taking me some time to adjust to this alternate course, but I'm doing it. Because if there is one thing that the last year of my life has taught me it's this: Things will rarely, if ever, go as you plan. But that doesn't mean there isn't a meaning to the madness.
Everything happens for a reason, I know that now to be a truth, more true than almose anything else I know. Sometimes it just takes a while for the reason to surface. After all, "Experience is a hard teacher, because she gives the test first, and the lesson after".