Meme....And my second ever entry.

Nov 01, 2009 20:43

Leave me a comment saying "Resistance is Futile."
I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can satisfy my curiosity
Update your journal with the answers to the questions
Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions

This set came from missbevcrusher

1.What is your favourite hobby?
I really love to surf and canoe, anything that gets me out on the water is fine by me. However to get to any decent surf from where I live takes a six hour drive so I don't get to do it as often as I would like and granted its not as much fun in the winter. Canoeing is a little closer so I do that more often (not as often as I would like) However if you were to ask me of more every day hobby I'd say it was walking/hiking. I love being outdoors, with my degree and work taking up so much of my time its a real pleasure to get outside.

2.If you could travel through time what year would you choose?
I'm going to cheat here and not actually pick a specific year but a specific few. 1939-1945. The second world war has always fascinated me and I know it might sound a little crazy to want to go back to such a dangerous time but the whole thing fascinates me. Both Grandads served in the army during that time and were quite tight lipped about it so I didn't push. My late Grandad fought in it and survived only because he was on leave to marry my Grandma when the rest of his platoon were killed. He didn't speak of the war often and I guess I would just like to be able to share a more visceral understanding of that time with all of my grandparents.

3.If you could spend the day with a fictional character who would it be and why?
This one is really hard to choose but i'm going to go with...surprise surprise...Laura Roslin because she just fascinates me. I think I would try to ease her burdens for the day and perhaps impart some information she might find useful to this end after the day is over.

4.Are you a dog or a cat person?
I have both but I am definately a dog person, they are so much more emotional about the whole set up. My cat couldn't give a crap about me coming back from work but my dog is genuinely thrilled to see her masters first thing in the morning and arriving back from work. Its therapeutic having a dog they have a calming effect when they curl up next to you for a scratch and a bit of tlc. Its also reassuring to have them for protection, when I jog in the evenings I always take her with me, granted there's only so much protection a gorgeous looking black lab can offer at face value but it makes it a bit less scary and she does look pretty mean when she feels threatened. LOL.

5. Do you drink tea or coffee, if so what do you put in it?
I'm not a big caffeine drinker, I only drink coffee when i'm studying late and I need to stay awake, because I drink it so rarely it actually works. I drink tea more often but it has to be Earl Grey and I'll either have it with milk and sugar (two. I know I know but I have a sweet tooth) or if i'm being good no milk and a bit of honey.

So there you go. Probably way too much info for such short questions but hey, i'm thorough.

