The Fifteen Useless Facts Meme:
1) Give me a/some character(s) I'm obsessing over (or basically anyone from YGO DM or 5d's)!
2) In return, I'll give you fifteen facts about the character(s) from my personal headcanon.
3) Take meme if you want to! <3
Also, I wanted to do another meme about fanfic writing, so here it is:
What's the last thing you wrote?
YGO DM/5D's crossover fic for
karnimolly !
Was it any good?
I suppose it is, but the lack of p0rn might be distracting.
What's the first thing you ever wrote that you still have?
Uhm. I still have a bit of my very very first Seto/Yami fic, but luckily I very quickly got too embarrassed to type it down. >>"
Oh, no, wait! There's still my Mary Sue that I've uploaded on animexx and kept there for the lulz. :D
Write poetry?
I've written a bunch of song texts for the fandom bands Molly and I created once, which was fun!
As for actual poems, there's nothing that I'd call a real attempt at poetry, not even the damn sonnet I was forced to write at school.
...Though I've once created an epic Lord of the Rings ballad (in colaboration with a class mate) about a CAKE BATTLE. :D
Angsty poetry?
Angsty poems written by a 14-16-year old girl about anime charas do not count as poetry.
Favourite genre of writing?
Fanfic. Always with some romance, though that mostly shows in a bit of (but rarely a satisfying amount of) pr0n.
PWP, I guess - sometimes leaning towards drama, sometimes leaning towards something rather sick or silly. >>"
Most fun character you ever wrote?
He stole Seto Kaiba the crown of the character who automatically parodies himself when written with enough seriousness.
Though I love to hint at craziness/trauma/srs issues, too, and Seto's made for that. :3
Most annoying character you ever wrote?
As soon as I write a character, I don't consider him/her as annoying anymore. It's fun to figure out characters one doesn't like too much in the series and to maybe have a different take on them.
If annoying means "annoying to write" or "bugging the hell out of me"... there are characters where this could be the case, but usually I simply don't write them.
Although I am very self-conscious about writing Divine, because well... I'm writing for Molly to read and my writings are compared to
winhall 's .
When I write Divine/Aki, I solve the problem by focusing on the attraction between them, which is really interesting, because if I see Aki with Divine's eyes, I suddenly like her so very much. It's probably the only way to make her interesting. XD"
How often do you get writer's block?
When did I ever not have a writer's block?
How do you fix it?
I write something down, even if it's bullshit.
But usually, I just complain about it. A lot.
Write fan fiction?
Well, duh.
Although I'm tempted to write a oneshot with OCs, maybe, sometime...
Do you type or write by hand?
I used to, back then when I wrote fanfics at school XD
But now I hardly ever do, because it's so wonderful to be able to delete and rewrite (and insert and re-arrange and whatnot)... *___*
When there's no other choice, I write by hand, but then I have to rewrite it when I type it down. ^^"
Do you save everything you write?
Usually, I do. So it can embarrass me and bother me for months and years, until I can finally laugh about it.
Or sometimes make me jealous of how good I could write back then - highly depends on the fic. ^^"
Do you ever go back to an old idea long after you abandoned it?
I do never complete anything. D:
But I do sometimes finish oneshots or try to finish them.
What's your favourite thing that you've written?
reconnection, cause it's my only JaYu-piece where I knew enough about them to write them properly. It has a good balance between character analyzation and pr0n, plus it mingles canon facts with hints of my headcanon. That's all I like about writing fanfic! And because I love these two. <3
And that bit I wrote down of "Too tight to breath", an unfinished Seth/Atemu/Seto thingy. Mostly unfinished because that part is astonishingly well-written and German - I wish I could still write that good in German!
What's everyone else's favourite thing that you've written?
According to the amount of comments I recieved, it's one of my oldest fanfics, a terribly sappy Seto/Yami called "Während du schliefst".
But I'd love to know what your favourite story might be...?
I'm serious, please tell me! I wanna know! :D
What's your favourite setting for your characters?
I don't care about settings. ^^" Though I love appartments, expecially if they are
a) clinically sterile (and owned by Seto)
b) somehow unsettling and uncomfortable
c) luxurious penthouses owned by either Rudger or Rex and inhabited by Jack. <3
or d) abandoned (I love abandoned places *____*)
Most of all, I like fanfics that play in claustrophobic places!
Strip clubs or BDSM clubs are nice, too.
What's one genre you have never written, and probably never will?
Genre? Uh...
Adventure, because than I'd have to make up an actual story.
And General, because than I'd have to include too many characters.
How many writing projects are you working on right now?
A bunch. I don't know on which I'm working on and which I have abandoned, that can change anyday. o___o
Do you want to write for a living?
The only reason I write is to get these silly ideas outa my head. ^^"
(And because some pairings I love would have no fanfics if I didn't write one - that happens way too often, seriously)
Have you ever written something for a magazine or newspaper?
No, and I couldn't force myself to do that. It doesn't include sexy dynamics between anime charas. D:
Have you ever won an award for your writing?
Couldn't write for a contest to save my life.
1) I can't write what I'm told to write (if it's not for fun)
2) I'm far too self-conscious (and a sore loser)
3) I do write hardly anything
Ever written something in script or play format?
For a school project, one scene of a book adaption.
I probably should love to do that, because it's mainly based on dialogue... but still, nothing beats a nicely written piece of prose. Also, it's better for pr0n.
What are your five favourite words?
I like names with "A" and "I". :3
So I'll just give you my favourite character names instead:
Kaiba, Noah, Artemis, Azula, Alois. <3
What character that you've written most resembles yourself?
Creating a discrepancy between my own opinion and those of the characters is what makes fanfic fun - and to write things I'd never think/say/believe/want to do/whatever.
So if there's any character ressembling me, it's probably anyone that's normal in a way - and is not traumatized, has serious issues or is a self-loving slut. ...Which probably close to no one.
... Of course, the Mary Sue is an exception,lol. Though even then I had the decency to *try* to give her a different character.
Where do you get ideas for your other characters?
Pokémon. :] I'm really hooked up in this whole Gijinka-thing!
And from Molly's OC verse.
Do you ever write based on your dreams?
Don't remember, but I hardly dream anything coherent or useful, so I doubt it.
Do you favour happy endings, sad endings, or cliff-hangers?
Open endings (not cliff-hangers, those are evil!), with a tendency towards a happy ending/a positive outlook.
Or with an unstoppable downward spiral/inevitable catastrophe, which is a very pretty thing when nicely executed <3
I usually prefer the first (and easier) kind of ending, though. :3
Are you concerned with spelling and grammar as you write?
Does music help you write?
Depends. I often get my inspiration and titles from songs, but I can't always listen to music when I write. When I have to think a lot, it's distracting, when it flows, then music is perfect.
Quote something you've written. The first thing to pop into your mind.
Er erhob sich und begann langsam um den Tisch herumzugehen, wobei er seine Finger leicht über das lackierte Holz streichen ließ und seine Augen dieser Bewegung folgten, als hätten sie nur zufällig bemerkt, wie interessant die Holzmaserung seines Schreibtisches doch war.
Because I always think of mistreated Setos and that's what this thing is all about. XD And Molly liked that part.
(Damn, long sentence is long. But I can't help it!)
The first English quote coming to my mind is:
Deliberately letting his own lips softly brush his butler’s mouth, he breathed: “Rape me, Claude.”
Because... afsdfgjkfhlj <3
Do I have to mention that both fics are unfinished? >>"
Feel free to take that meme, too. :]