So, hi. Figured I ought to stop by and let you guys know that I'm still around, sort of. Things have been happening, in real life and online, and I haven't been on LJ in at least two months.
Feel free to skip over any of this, but if you're here for SPN stuff, I recommend reading at least the 'online' section.
First off, Avengers came out (like I said, at least two months since I've been over here, lol) and I got hit with pretty much All The Feels (Pheels?). I'd been drifting a bit, fandom-wise, and apparently that movie was everything I needed to get renewed interest in fannish things. So, although my SPN interest is still rather luke-warm, my Avengers feels are pretty high.
This leads to the second things, which is fic. I've now got an AO3 account, where I've posted a number of Avengers fics. You can find me under the name
Pandelion. Also, I've picked up tumblr again and actually started using it, so there is fic and other stuff over there, where I'm
pan_pandeus. Feel free to follow me on either site; I will occasionally offer ficlets on tumblr, if that is of interest to you.
More recently (read: the last week and a half), I've been sucked into the Teen Wolf show and so now I'm currently straddling the line between that and the Avengers fandom, in terms of devotion. I haven't posted fics for TW, yet, but I've got a couple of things in progress that might end up seeing the light of day at some point, so.
With regards to SPN, I feel I should let you guys know that I'm going to more or less let myself drift away. I still love the characters and concepts and I'll probably still read fic on occasion, but the writing and fanart will pretty much be restricted to requests/commissions/etc. except for possibly any of the WIPs I've got that might yet get finished. All of the fic and art that I have posted will remain up on this journal, so no worries about that. Just, it's very unlikely that there will be any more posted after this point in time. My apologies for those of you who are here for that. If you still want SPN fic/art from me, catch me on tumblr or twitter when I offer fic/sketches.
Real Life:
This basically means that come the end of September, I will be moving five hours away from home and will be starting work on my Bachelors, majoring in studio art. I'm so freaking excited for this, you have no idea. This last weekend, my parents and I went up to WWU to do an orientation/registration thing and so I'm now signed up for classes and I've got a student ID card and THIS IS HAPPENING, ASD;FSDHFSD;FAHGFS.
*deep breath*
Anyway. That's happening at the end of September, and in the meantime, I'm taking a summer design course at the local community college. Partly because I want to and partly because it'll transfer as credits towards my major, meaning one less class I have to take in the next two years. It's been a fun class and I've really enjoyed exploring the elements and concepts and experimenting with paint and color. It's making me really excited for the classes I'll be taking at WWU.
What's also exciting is the buying of things to take with me, like pillows and towels and a desk lamp and rugs and maybe I'm weird for really enjoying shopping for these things, but I've always enjoyed looking at home decorating sorts of things. This is just on a smaller scale and actually about me. :D
A not-so-exciting thing is my lack of a laptop, though. It's been over a year since it died and the techs say it's a 95% chance that the motherboard fried, which would cost about the same to replace as it would to just get a whole new laptop. So, I'm hoping to get a new laptop, but between gas and bills and paying off debt to my parents, I don't exactly have an extra four hundred bucks laying around. So, it's probably a good thing that I'm going into studio art and not digital design or something, because at least I won't need a computer to do a charcoal sketch.
What it does mean, though, is that once I leave for college, my online presence on anything beyond Twitter (thank you, unlimited texting) is going to be almost nil and writing is going to be even more difficult and slow than it is now. So, unless I can figure out some way to get enough money together to buy a new laptop, I'll effectively be gone after September.
TL;DR of it is, I've jumped ship to other fandoms, there is fic/art in other places, I'm starting at a proper university this fall, and laptop woes.