What it says on the tin.
Return to Abnormal (part of the Duckling 'verse)
(Sam, Dean/archangels kind of, G)
The duckling phase thankfully only lasts a couple of weeks. However, Sam purposefully lets Dean wake on his own to find four human-shaped archangels curled around him. He got some good video of it, too.
~*~Hallmark Angel
(Dean/Castiel, G)
Dean sighed. Castiel had been in the store for nearly half an hour and they still needed to go to three more places. Steeling himself, he plunged in, looking frantically for the distinctive trench coat; he had no desire to stay in here longer than he had to.
Finally, he found him and, grabbing a sleeve, dragged the angel out of the store.
"I was not finished looking, Dean," Castiel said.
Dean huffed. "Yeah, well, Hallmark isn't why we came here, Cas."
(Sam, G)
"Surprise me," Sam had said. Famous last words, indeed. He sighed as he looked at the deep-fried...thing and vowed to never let Dean get him lunch again.
~*~Of Pie
(Dean, Gabriel, Sam, G)
"You had over half of the pie already."
"You don't even like it."
"I made it."
"You can make another."
Sam grinned, took another bite of pie and wondered when Dean and Gabriel would notice that the last piece had already been taken.
~*~Favorite Place on Earth
(Dean/Castiel, G)
Dean blinks. "This is your favorite place on Earth?" he asks.
Castiel nods. "There is much to love in New York City."
~*~Three Can Never Agree
(Sam/Gabriel/Lucifer, PG)
Sam peeked out from under his hand and sighed. Gabriel and Lucifer were still glaring at each other. He closed his eyes again. If they were this bad about going to a movie, he wasn't sure he wanted to find out how they were going to be about sex.
~*~Demon on Skates
(Gabriel/Crowley, PG)
“This is bloody ridiculous,” Crowley growled. Gabriel grinned and spun gracefully around the demon.
“Aw, c’mon, just let it happen. You’ll have fun, I promise.”
Crowley made a grab for the archangel, but Gabriel slid away easily, laughter echoing off of the ice. The demon sighed and scowled down at the thin blades holding him up. “I’m going to make a fool of myself,” he muttered and pushed away from the wall.
He was right, as usual.
~*~In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue…
(Sam/Gabriel, Jesse, G)
Hefting the toddler to one shoulder, Sam pointed back into the bathroom. “He animated the boat,” he said.
Gabriel sighed. “Moby Dick or Titanic?” the archangel asked, already moving past the human.
“Mayflower,” Sam told him. Gabriel snorted.
“Well, at least we know he’s been listening to your bedtime stories.”
Sam sighed, but didn’t refute it. Jesse just babbled happily.
~*~Too Late
(Dean/Castiel, G)
Dean slid to a stop inches from the edge, too late. “Cas!” Then, not stopping to think, he followed the dragon and let himself fall.
(Dean/Castiel, G)
"I have needs, too, Dean," the angel said, clearly pouting.
Dean sighed and sat down. "Fine. Which story do you want?"
(God/Lucifer, PG)
God brushed His hand through Lucifer's uppermost wing. "You're my favorite," He whispered. Lucifer smiled.
~*~Definition of Success
(Sam/Gabriel, G)
The spaghetti burned and the sauce overcooked, but Gabriel deemed the endeavor a success. Sam didn't disagree.
~*~Fiction series
(Misha, Jensen, mentions Jensen/Jared, Jensen/Misha and Jensen/Misha/Jared, PG)
"You're writing about me having fictional sex with Jared to help Haiti?"
Misha beamed. "Exactly!"
Jensen sighed. "I hate you, sometimes."
Fictionally Speaking
"Now what?" Jensen says, frowning.
"I didn't write about you and Jared this time," Misha grins.
Jensen frowns more. "Then what...?"
"I wrote about you having sex with me. Fictionally speaking, of course."
Jensen blinks, then sighs. "Of course, you did," he mutters. "I suppose you've written one where we have a threesome with Jared, too."
It's Misha's turn to frown. "How did you know?"
(Dean/Castiel, PG)
"Plus, I love you," Castiel finished.
Dean glared. "Fine. I'll take out the trash. But for future reference, that's cheating."
~*~Kitten Power
(Michael/Lucifer, G)
Michael's about to point out the lionfish when he sees Lucifer over by the kittens' cage. Sighing, he walks over. Lucifer grins at him and holds up a pure white kitten.
"He reminds me of you," he says. Michael sends one last look at the lionfish before flagging down an employee.
"How much for the kitten and what do we need?" he asks. Lucifer beams at him and he figures the kitten won't be all bad, if it makes Luc that happy.
(Dean/Castiel, G)
Castiel woke with the sun. Dean grumbled when he shifted and pulled him closer. "Saturday, Cas," he rumbled. Castiel let himself sink back into the warmth. He could come to really like Saturdays, he decided.
(Dean/Castiel, G)
Castiel eyed the pancake. "I am not sure this is proper food," he said.
Dean rolled his eyes. "You've had a grand total of one sandwich, a cup of coffee and an orange. You don't know what proper food is." The angel considered that for a moment.
"I suppose you are correct. This still does not look very edible." Dean pushed the bottle of maple syrup over.
"Here," he said. "Put that on 'em." Castiel takes the bottle and cautiously pours it over the pancakes. "Now take a knife," Dean instructs, "and cut them into bite sized pieces, then use the fork to eat."
Slowly, Castiel obeyed and eyed a bite of pancake before putting it in his mouth. He made a surprised, pleased sound. "This is good," he said as soon as he'd swallowed.
"Told you," Dean said, sitting back and grinning as his angel discovered breakfast.
~*~Sammy Hears a Who
(onesided Castiel/Sam, G)
“I don’t know why they won’t believe me,” Sam said, slumped on a log with the clover puff (and the speck that was the planet of Who) clenched tight in his trunk. Castiel sidled closer, drab feathers shifting in sympathy.
“I believe you, Sam,” the bird said.
Sam smiled at him. “I know and I’m grateful. But that…that...peacock, Ruby!” He snorted, a clear display of what he thought of the other bird.
Castiel sighed and eyed his own tail, very much lacking when one considered the spectacular plumage of Ruby’s tail. “They’ll come around,” he offered, laying one wing on the elephant’s arm. Sam just nodded and focused on Who again, ears drooping as he listened. Castiel sighed and inched a bit closer to Sam, enjoying the proximity even as he bemoaned the fact that the elephant was oblivious to the bird’s feelings for him.
In silence, the two animals waited in the Jungle of Nool, listening for the sounds of civilization from a small speck of dust, resting on a clover puff.
(Sam/Gabriel, G)
There's no band, no stereo or CD player, but music fills the room. The wide, cavernous ballroom, with pale yellow walls and gleaming floor and soft lights.
They're alone, but that's hardly new and he doesn't think anything of it. Just closes his eyes and lets the music take his body and bend it, sway it to the beat.
The steps are easy, familiar like they've done this thousands of times before, exactly like this. Maybe they have; he doesn't claim to remember each of these times and maybe they have been here before, dancing this way to this music in this place.
"Changeover," a voice says in his ear and he nods minutely, letting the music and his motions build up to the climax and then pause, frozen for an instant in time, before relinquishing the lead to his partner. Then they're off again, whirling and stepping across the pale floor and he smiles, takes a breath of mint and sugar.
When the music finally fades and they drift to a stop, he keeps his eyes closed. It's always easier, he's found, if he never sees the face of his partner. Never gets that reminder, that sharp pain of might-have-been and never-can-be.
"Time to wake up, kiddo," the voice says, still by his ear and soft and gentle. He nods, but doesn't let go, not just yet.
He's not sure he'll ever learn how to let go, even a bit.
And when he blinks his eyes and scowls at the bright morning sun and at his brother as they get ready for another day on the road, he doesn't think he'll ever want to.