Star Wars TCG is a collectible card game of skill and strategy set within the Star Wars Universe. It is a two player game in which one player plays as the light of the force, and one player plays as the dark side of the force, and the two battle for control over the galaxy and the destruction of the other player.
All decks are made of 60 cards, and the card pool is divided between light side and dark side cards. Since the inception of the Player's Committee in 2001, new expansions have come through the form of pdfs containing text slips that are printed out and placed over existing cards. These slips give the card new attributes and game texts. Occasionally these slips will even give the cards new names and card-types.
More information about this game can be found at the
Star Wars Collectible Card Game website.
Date: June 24th
Start Time: 1PM
Entry Fee: FREE!
Additional Information: All players are welcomed as this is not a qualification tournament!