So we're all good.
He's amazing.
I'm amazing. (You all already knew that).
Our relationship is good.
But, I have girls on my back for not dating Kevin. I had/have/will have no intention of dating Kevin. So get off my back. kthxbye.
And now I have the guys who decided that "OMFG SHE'S SINGLE WE'RE GONNA DATE!!!!" bitching at me about how I'm back with Mike too.
Did I mention the "ex-ish" girlfriend? Yes, haven't heard from her yet, I'm waiting though.
So to all of you who wish to bitch at me about my renewed relationship with Mike or my lack of relationship with [_fill in the blank_], please do so here.
Bring it. I dare you.
♥ -Care
pee.ess. Half day next Friday!
pee.pee.ess. I have a stuffy nose.
pee.pee.pee.ess. To all of you single girls who wanted to get with him and/or tried to get with him... He's mine. Fuck. Off. <333