Jan 03, 2009 19:14
Ah, it's a new year ...
Winter break was pretty relaxing, and now I get depressed when I think about having to go back to school on Monday ... *sigh*
So what did I do hrm? Lots of anime, haha. I actually indulged in a lot of reading this break. I got through a stack of books that have been waiting for me to get to them X3 Johnathan Strange and Mr. Norrell was surprisingly good, and now I must buy Clarke's other novel when I get the chance.
Things got a little hectic around Christmas Eve, but everything came together well ... Fish and I managed to do the beef wellington ... other than that, the annual family party wasn't anything too special. My Fishy won $20 and lost $5 against my cousins in some texas hold'em XD;
Christmas day was a double bill : D The Spirit wasn't too great ... props to Frank Miller for giving it the old college try, but it didn't really hit the mark. Benjamin Button, however, was very nice. I thought the story was pretty touching, and they did a good job of conveying the message. Some people complain about the length, or the fact that nothing really 'spectacular' happens to Button, but I think that was the whole point. Despite your physical situation, everybody goes through life the same and experiences the same kinds of ups and downs. It's not about worrying endlessly about the past or the future, but enjoying the present before it slips away from you.
Ah ... still debating whether or not to see Valkyrie in theatres.
New Year's Eve went amazingly smoothly, despite all the fuss that came before it. My grad pictures went fairly well (I thought). The place was definitely much better than Artona, but I still didn't like the photographer people that much. This one guy was very perfectionist about getting poses and shots, running back and forth from the camera to fix my hair or glasses in-between every shot, but he was a bit of a douchebag XD; The lady who did some of the other photos was pretty mellow, but she didn't take the time to fix up much stuff, and it overall felt a bit rushed with her. After that, picked up some cheese and cakes from Ganache (always tasty) for later in the evening and had a quick lunch with Karen, Tom, and Lisa at Ebisu. Then off to the Nutcracker XD It was a good show, it was very nostalgic and the dancers were so pro. The guy behind my fell asleep in the first half, and I could hear him snoring @__@ As intermission was ending, his friend was like "chajimaaaa" (they were Korean) and basically told him not to fall asleep in the next half ... but he did XD; The applause at the end went on for a looong time ... random stuff until dinner at Diva (dinner was yummy : 3), then we ended up at Tom's place for wine & cheese until New Year's. Karen is very funny when she gets drunk.
I hope it stops snowing when I go back to school ... UBC is crappy enough when it's rainy, and slush doesn't make it much better.
Ahh ... I think it's time to buy a new pair of walking shoes. I've worn out my flats and my skater shoes : (