May 15, 2006 14:12
Unsuccessful gesture of kindness on friday. Stomach Virus and strip club on Saturday. Early morning farewell for Natsuki on Suday. All in all a full weekend complete with titties, my Andrew, and fond memories of Heartland beer, which no japanese person seems to have heard of, despite the fact that we can only find it in Japan. Why do 98% of strippers have cellulite?
I really like that chocolate candy that's supposed to look like rocks. Who's with me?!
While i'm asking questions I want to know, why do chinese people smell like mothballs?! I mean, obviously not ALL chinese, but a lot of them do*. Especially the old ones. Do they not notice that they stink like the sewers in hell? The smell of mothballs makes my stomach churn with something that's not quite nausea and not exactly atrophy of the sinuses.
*As noted by years of unwilling observation.