cause come on~ its haro.
with less than a week left till s2 starts, i figured, why not?
1. copypasta
2. fill in
3. ????
BASICS☆name:☆age:☆general vicinity in which you bide your time:☆sex:☆general interests:☆other fandoms:☆what to expect in my lj: HARO☆what color?☆would you name it?☆what would you make it do?☆what would you do for it?☆where would it sleep? GUNDAM 00 (optional)☆what do you ship?☆if you had a gundam, what would you do with it?☆stupid sexy lockon is in the corner...☆tieria...☆if you put setsuna in a room full of bunnies, he would...☆allelujah gets drunk and...☆what you did the last 6 months:☆what are you hoping for this season?☆*insert free space here* pimpage
http://pandatchi.livejournal.com/99707.html#cutid1">HARO LOVE FRIENDING MEME PAGE2 cause layout is lame and doesn't show page #s. let me know if we get to page 3, i'll post linkage.