Yey and neigh day

Jan 13, 2007 20:03

Yey! - I coped perfectly well with the horrendous crowds in the Metro Centre (a very large shopping centre) during the January Sales - a group of us went to spend, amongst other things, my (well I bought them from Tim - who got them from his Aunt for Christmas) book vouchers. I purchased 'Surgically Enhanced' by Pam Ayres and 'Nature's Building Blocks - an A-Z Guide to the Elements' by John Emsley. Tim thinks the latter is a Chemistry text-book; I think it's very light leisurely reading - in reality it's probably 'popular science'.

Neigh! - I'm giving up travel by car as I really can't cope with the anxiety and stress involved.

Yey! - Buses aren't quite as bad as cars, so mobility isn't going to be critically impaired.

Neigh! - I'm being sick alot again - hopefully a 'bug' of some kind; so far today i've kept down about 1/4 litre of water and sucked some dextrose tablets without being sick. Have got some buccastem from the pharmacy to try and quell the nausea enough later to keep my major medications down.

Yey! - I have made some progress on my S293 assessment - not sure I've given an answer to the intended question; but i've given an answer to what I thought the very badly worded question meant. Now about 50% completed.

Neigh! - I have to avoid all dairy produce in my diet until further notice; combined with giving up fish and maybe being wheat intollerant my diet could soon by distinctly changing; ashame as yoghurts are one of the few foods that usually settle my tummy, and i normally take one before my nightly tablets.

Yey! - I passed two Pets at Home stores today without going in; admittedly one was close (exceeding early).

Neigh! - 'Doctor Who: New Beginnings' box set has been delayed a week - I decided to order it in thend as i didn't think I could wait another two weeks for my birthday - alas that would only be a week now; but hey, I'm sure i'll enjoy it when it comes. [NB: may have mentioned this before]

Yey! - A lot more stable; about ready to declare the major episode that started before Christmas over. Just the ordinary mood swings, general depression, anxiety disorder, shakiness, sight problems, lethargy, erratic sleep patterns, etc to get on with...

Neither Neigh or Yey - Gone completely disinterested in sexual existence and just want to cuddle people lots. Not even tarting around online.

Yey! - I'm considering doing undernet, msn, jabber, yahoo and icq again - think i'll avoid all the 'community' sites (gaydar, bnskin, bbx, bbc, squirt, dudesnude, etc) though as much as possible - may go on gaydar to message certain people who don't use anything else.

Neigh! - Outpost Gallifrey appears to have gone down again! Very unreliable at present.

Yey! - I'm progressing in runescape again, well at least getting somewhere with the challenges i set myself, a long slog is about to begin making ~3.5k of steel arrowheads however. I'm going to do some light fishing and cooking (of fish) in Catherby for a while. After I have made the arrow heads and atteched the to the arrows I'm going to gain 5 levels in Agility and then go back to fire runecrafting; then finally I'll be ready to take on the challenge of the Lost City Quest.

Well that's enough for now.

I'm going to wait for the buccastem to take effect; take my tablets, have a glucose tablet to take away the bad taste and go to slee; afterall I have been awake for 14 hours, and haven't managed more than 10 for several weeks, averaging about 6 waking hours a day; I should be quite impressed. If I do the same tomorrow, I realy will be impressed.

doctor who, anxiety disorder, day, s293, studies, runescape

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