(no subject)

Mar 13, 2009 21:43

Because I'm possibly terminally insane (hahaha, I'm likely to accidentally kill myself by insanity...)...
I'm going to try for this themed challenge. a_to_z_prompts
I can only hope I'll be able to do it...
Go ahead.
Tell me how NUTTY I am.
I'm likely to agree.

01. Aaphrodisiac10. Jjollification19. Sserendipity02. Bbearability11. Kkleptomaniac20. Ttyrannosaurus03. Ccommunicative12. Lluminosity21. Uunacceptable04. Ddissimulation13. Mmanipulation22. Vversatility05. Eextravaganza14. Nnumerology23.Wwatercolorist06. Ffiguratively15. Oopportunity24. Xxylographical07. Ggenealogy16. Pprocrastination25. Yyesterday evening08. Hhallucinogen17. Qquinquesyllabic26. Zzoological09. Iimmortality18. Rretaliation  


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