Sep 12, 2008 14:12
I have recently been working as a TA at a school here in Bangkok. It is a fairly crappy job. The pay is decent, but it is about as enjoyable as getting kicked in the balls by an elephant. However, there are some moments of joy. Glimmers of hilarity. Entirely unintentional and completely at the expense of the students. Here's one such moment.
The job of the TA is easy. Keep kids working, seated, quiet and to mark papers. While grading a batch of science assignments, I came across a couple peculiar answers to one of the questions. Keep in mind, these kids are in grade 2.
At this point they're learning about physical properties.
6. Describe how you could test if a metal chain is made from a strong material.
Most answered rather simply, try to stretch the chain. Easy. However a couple more imaginative, and possibly disturbed students had other ideas.
A) We can get the car and the chain to pull the dog.
I guess this boy doesn't like this dog very much.
B)It can use to tie up the man neck.
I'm glad we didn't ask for in-class demonstrations.