『The H-Game Never Ends』エロゲーが終わらない

Jan 22, 2008 00:24

A parody of『Can't Beat Air Man』(「エアーマンが倒せない」英語版)

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From the comments on YouTube.

Song Title: The Ero Game (H-Game/Hentai) Never Ends

Sev: Hey K! Hey K!

K: Yo Sev! You're speaking with such an erotic voice~ What's up with you?

Sev: Got any H-games that are fun to play?

K: Hmmm lemme think...

K: As a novice you should start with "Konnyaku", "Cross+Channel" etc. If you mention masterpieces you must try "Family Plan"! "Wheel", "Parufe", "Keyorina" and "Rance" are good too. If you like Ojousama (girls raised in very rich families?) you can't miss "Otoboku" and "Kanisino".

K:If you like loli then you're fired if you don't play "Hajirusu". And "Summer Days" is hard to leave out as well. And... ummm... "Air" "Kiminozo" "Cross+Channel" "Family Plan" "Wheel" "Fate" "Parufe" "Senkoku Rance"... but no matter what you must try "Chyoukukan"!! That's the BEST!!!!

Sev: haa... (ok.....)

(Song starts)

気がついたら 溜まるお勧めのゲーム そして そのまま友人に返す
When I realize it, I already have a pile games my friend recommanded to me, and I returned all to him without even touching them.

諦めずに 他のゲームを貸してくれるけど すぐに飽きて投げ出す
He didn't give up and lent me more games, but soon I got bored with them and want to throw them away.

(Background: THAT's MEANNNN!!!)

批評空間を見れば すこし やる気が出て始めるけど
After reading "Criticize Space" (a magazine), I start feeling like playing them.

何回やっても 何回やっても エンディングまでいかないよ
But no matter how many times I try, no matter how many times I try, I can't reach the ending!

あのシナリオ何回やっても分からない 選択肢選んで進めてみてもバッドエンドで『続きから』
I can't understand that sceanrio/plot no matter how many times I play. I tried the branches but they all end up in bad-endings then "Continue from last save point".

I visited the guide sites but the game just has wayyyyyyyy too many routes.

だから次は絶対勝つために エロCGだけ抽出をして アンインストール
So to make sure I'll win next time, I extracted the H-CGs, and uninstalled.

アンインストール 今の僕には理解できない
Uninstall. The game's too hard for me, I can't understand it yet.

気が向いたら デモムービーをダウンロード
I got interested, and downloaded the demo movies...

そしていつも そこで 騙される
...and then got deceived right there as usual.

懲りもせずに 安いゲームに挑戦するけど すぐに後悔するよ
I never learned and challenged the cheap games again. However soon I started regretting.

作画が好みであれば すぐに 期待をして始めるけど
If the pictures look good, I start looking forward to it

何回やっても 何回やっても エロシーン待ちきれないよ
But no matter how many times I try, how many times I try, I can't wait till the H-Scenes

That loli is cute but she rarely shows up

and occasionally when she shows up, I'm already into another character's route/story line when I noticed it

I even tried auto-saves, but that loli doesn't have any H-scenes!

だから次は絶対勝つために  僕はア○○エ○ぐやでティッシュを消費する
So to make sure I'll win next time, I decide to consume tissues with Atelier Kaguya

Sev: What's this game's first-release-special?

Kさん:修正パッチ 参ギガ
K: A bug fixing patch, 3GB in size!

Sev: o....k..........

休みと時間があれば 借りたゲームも全部できるけど
When I'm free and have time, I should be able to finish all the games I borrowed.

何回やっても何回やっても エロゲーが 終わらないよ
But no matter how many times I try, no matter how many times I try, The H-games never end!

I still haven't finished that game after a month.

I even forgot how far have I gone in the story. I left the game alone without playing it.

I tried to go to review sites and refresh my memories, but they are full of spoils and sooo uninteresting

だから次は絶対勝つために 僕はニコニコでプレイ動画を見始める
So to make sure I'll win next time, I started watching gameplay videos on nikoniko.

It never ends

It isn't erotic

Kさん:やぁ ゼブたん この間のゲームどうだった?
K: Hey Sev! How was that game?

Sev: It's goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooodddddddd
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