Brain Analysis! Wow wee!

May 17, 2009 12:47

This website is amazing! Brain analysis based on simply your name...really weird. If you watched the Mago Mago episode where Arashi shows you their analysis', you'll find that the members fit it so well!! You should check it out on this website

The Brain Analysis Kanji Meanings:

- white -> 私 I/me
- white -> 秘 secrets
- white -> 休 rest/vacation
- yellow -> 金 money
- yellow -> 酒 sake/alcohol
- pink -> 愛 love
- pink -> H hentai (erotic, perverted thoughts xD)
- light orange-> 迷 hesitation
- light orange-> 善 goodness/virtue
- orange -> 遊 game/play/travel
- red -> 幸 happiness
- red -> 嘘 lie/falsehood
- brown -> 犬 dog (might mean useless)
- brown -> 謎 enigma/puzzle/riddle
- brown -> 家 house/family
- brown -> 猫 cat (might mean sneaky)
- violet -> 欲 ambition/desire
- violet -> 夢 dream
- light blue -> 泣 cry
- light blue -> 友 friends
- light blue -> 楽 joy/pleasure
- light blue -> 国 country
- dark blue -> 働 work/labour
- dark blue -> 悩 worries
- dark blue -> 怒 anger
- dark blue -> 負 responsibility
- green -> 凝 stiffness
- green -> 妄 delusion
- green -> 食 food/eating
- black -> 悪 evil/wicked thougths

Compliments go towards the Aibakaland forums where I found this. ^^ <3

brain analysis

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