Today was... ok?

Nov 10, 2009 16:26

I was going to post last night, but decided not to based on a rule I set for myself: I will not post when irritated, that way I don't write something I'll regret.  The reason I was irritated was that I've been on break since the 24th of October, so I haven't been to one of my schools (the Tuesday school) since October 20th.  I gave all of my teachers my e-mail address so that they can tell me if they have stuff they want me to prepare.  So last night, I get an e-mail from one of my teachers at 9:40 pm, telling me what they want me to prepare for the next day (I'm supposed to arrive at the school at 8:30 am).  It turned out to not be a big deal since it was the same stuff I was preparing for one of the other teacher's class, so I didn't have to do a lot extra, but what irritated me was just that I was already in relax mode, and was pretty sure I'd already covered all of my bases.  I mean, I know I've been a procrastinator in the past, but it was my choice to procrastinate, it wasn't forced upon me.

My classes went pretty well, but one of my last classes was just really restless (and it's the the set of classes that I do by video-conference), so it's already a difficult class to work with when everyone is paying attention, let alone when people are talking over the top of each other (and me).

Went to a lounge bar over the week-end (interesting subpoints: French is sometimes different between France and Quebec, notably times where the Quebecois use an archaic form of a word since they were cut off from the French for so long, or sometimes, they'll actually use something that seems "more French" for example:  The French say "week-end" while the Quebecois say "fin de semaine" (literally end of the week) and the French say "e-mail" or "mail" (both for e-mail) while the Quebecois say "Courriel électronique" (Literally "Electronic Mail")... I just find that odd sometimes.  Anyway...)with one of my teachers and her friends.  It was pretty fun, especially since I got to be immersed in French and French slang.  I understood a lot more than I expected, and got the gist of almost everything.  Other than that, not a whole lot going on.  Just classes, reading, groceries.  The usual suspects.

Big 3:
Best:  Google's week-long homepage homage to Sesame Street.  [Also it turns out that while LJ's spell check recognizes "Google" it does not recognize "google" which is a supposedly accepted spelling of "googol" (Also unrecognized by LJ spellcheck) which is 10^100 (or 1 followed by 100 zeros)... which leads to googleplex (or googolplex) which is 1 followed by a googol of zeroes: 10^(10^100)
Worst: Totally running out of steam for the set of classes where I needed to have the most energy.
Funniest:  One of the teacher's friends showed up late and when he was introduced to me (I was introduced as the American assistant) he says
in halting English "Nice to meet you.  I'm French so I can't speak English."  To which I reply in French "I've got the same problem.  I'm American, so I can't speak French at all."  At which point he looks at the rest of the table and says "Well.   He speaks French well."  (I thought it was a minor victory).

teaching, procrastination, sesame street, angry, bar, quebec

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