Jan 13, 2010 00:10
So my Worst thing is actually the saddest thing that I've seen since I've been here. I was in the checkout at the grocery store, and this old guy is there with his assistant/nurse type person. After they ring everything up the nurse says she's going to take the stuff out to the car and pull the car up to the door (the gentleman was using the French version of a walker/crutches) and leaves him to pay. After a few moments, and two incorrect PIN attempts, he says "I don't remember anymore." Long story short, after 7 minutes of discussion, hunting down the nurse, and one final incorrect PIN, they had to bring back all of the groceries and when the nurse got back she started yelling at the guy because now she'd have to take him to the bank to get his card reactivated. Like my grandfather, my wish is that I'm able to keep my mind until the end.
Today was actually pretty warm, despite the fact that it was still cold enough to prevent any of the 3.5 inches of snow from melting.
The best thing was I finally received my written notification and instructions for my medical visit. The bummer about it is that I'll have to skip school for it.
The funniest thing was probably working with my video-conference kids today, for reasons including, but not limited to:
-A kid who begins all of his responses with "Alors." This would be roughly equivalent to an English student taking a foreign language beginning all of his responses with "OK" or "Right."
-Me: What's the date today? Response: Tuesday, Wayne-world 12th.
-After having them ask each other "How many brothers do you have?" I had them ask each other "What's your brother's name?". 3rd kid turns to his neighbor and asks "How many brothers named?" ...to which the student responded "QUOI?" which is French for "WHAT?"
Until next time, keep it between the lines.
medical visit,
funny students,
sad stories