
May 17, 2005 20:31

I'm doing a terrible job in grammer. Everything I get back has a C on it. (Which, although I'm no 4.o student by any means, anything under a B- is completely unacceptable to me and the grade makes me disgusted with myself) I don't know why I'm so fucking retarded but grammer is like math. I get it, understand it all when I do the reading and hear the lectures but when it comes to the homework and the quizes everything i do is wrong. Something is not connecting. I'm just grammer illiterate which is lame becasue I really really really want to learn to write better, with every fiber of my being. Part of me is upset about the grade I'm going to get, the other part is just disapoint in myself and there's a bit that's just like, "wow $60,000 in debt and you can't remember where to put a fucking comma?' I disgust myself. You know it has always been a joke with the people who know me or read my LJ about my spelling, typos and grammer but this shit is not funny. I could write if it weren't for all that technical stuff. When are they going to invent that machine where I just put in the creative imput and the machine makes the words all pretty? Goddamnit I'm frustraited.

That's not the only class I'm behind in either. I'm pretty much behind in all of them. Or at least it feels like I ma. I guess I'm only technicaly behind in philosophy, and I keep forgetting to post those assignments on Angel for Modernism (which is bad but internet assignments are a terrible thing, man. It's very inconvient)
I posted my graduation announcement on LJ, and tomorrow night the English department is having a dinner for us graduating English majors. I'm so excited about graduating. But on the other hand, everything is going wrong at school for me. Today after a completely failed grammer quiz I was outside somking my cigarette in defeat, thinking about all these graduation things coming up, and I realized "why the fuck are you celebrating now, You have no guarentees you're going to graduate, you don't have that paper yet." Now that was me being a depressed fatalist, I know I'm going to graduate, it's just the time before which that's going to kill me, and my GPA is going to go down after this qtr thanks to a coupple of classes. So don't expect to see me at punklife, or doing anything fun over the weekends, really. Luckily I've already bought my Stereo Total tickets so I can't back out of seeing them despite the fact that it's on a monday night. What i should stop doing is wasting my time on LJ and get back to my work....
I just needed to bitch and moan for a bit.

down, school

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