May 05, 2007 13:13
last night at home sweet home i wrote a boy a note and gave it to him.
he actually texted me later that night. ooo lala!
today i went to by ray ban sunglasses (joining the masses i know, but they are just SO COOL AND CLASSIC)
i also went to get my palm read.
it was kind of dissapointing. the back door was open and you could see their couch and tv and the psychic's husband was being all gross watching tv and rubbing greasy potato chip fingers on his shirt. there was a kid too and he was running around opening and closing doors.
so the psychic herself was latina but dressed like an orthadox jewish woman. she totally had a snaggletooth too. she spent like 3 minutes trying to get my to do a $15 crystal reading but i just wanted the $2 personality exam. i felt like she had memorized a skript or something. everything she was saying was wrong. she said i was having man issues, dude im having WOman issues. she also told me i was having a lot of trouble with my job and that i thought i was getting underpaid, but actually i think i get paid way too much and love my job. i guess the only people who go to psychics are those with problems.
before i went to her i talked to my mom on the phone and she said my dad was in the hospital. he was going for a hike in arizona and he fainted because he was dehydrated. he's totally fine now, just tired. why didnt the psychic mention this? i never beilved in this shit anyway but this lady made it possible for me to believe any jane/joe doe could be a psychic. in fact, im a fucking psychic. i bet i can predicted how many minutes it will take for the next L train to come!
other than that life is good. i ran into someone i havent seen in almost 4 years today. it was nice.
man all i eat anymore are those balance bars from bodegas. they get expensive though, it's like $5 fot one of those and a snapple. i should just eat pizza.