There are few who deny that what I do I am the best

Apr 04, 2005 20:40

i have Jack's Lament stuck in my head. I just finished a nice long bath as i ate my dinner and watched Nightmare Before Christmas. (pretty much the only multi-tasking i can do) i just got back in town yesterday morning, and i'm still really tired. i went to los angeles, CA for a heritage festival thingy with my choir. Lots happened, too much to put down, actually, so if you wanna know more, gimme a ring. i will tell you though that we KICKED BADONKA-DONK! We placed as gold-medalists and yup! it was great-ness!! i absolutely hated being school again with mrs guy's class. All she did was whine to us about everything she had to do and give the choir people a hard time for being gone and missing her class. Screw her class!! It's absolutely ridiculous how she is sometimes, i SWEAR! buuuut anyways. eh, my family's getting home now. i think i'll get my things and retreat into my room. But hey! At least i updated a little bit!! hee. well, i'll write morw a lil later. bye4now ever-body.
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