Aug 08, 2006 13:35
shit hit the fan.
so on friday night, rey and jess picked me up from work and we went back to their place to kick it for a while. i still had some weed from that guy brett, so i smoked them out and we all got really weird. jess and i played need for speed on their xbox, and then we put in some music. the xbox had all kinds of acid trip shit going on when the music was playing, and we must have sat in front of the tv for hours flailing our arms around and 'conducting' the music. it seemed like we were moving the patterns with our minds. to say the least, we were extremely stoned. after a while, jess passed out so rey and i decided to watch some of his anime porn. i'd never seen it before, it was quite weird. the chicks all have hilariously huge tits. anyway, i was getting really hot and jess was just laying there... innocent... asking to be straddled... i could hardly keep myself still.
i debated out loud with rey for a while on if i should go wake jess up to have wild animal sex all night and be really weird in the morning, and before i knew it rey was telling me he loved me. that he wanted me...
things happened. we made a huge mistake.
i stopped him after i sobered up a while, and then we really realized what we were doing. he took me home, and the next morning i went with him and jill to get their matching tattoos. jesus christ, it was terrible. i thought we could just tell her, forget it ever happened, and move on... but he said meant everything he told me. we drove out to waimea last night to tell jill, and fuck me--she forgave us. i dont deserve her as a friend, and i would do anything to better things, even a little. i let the two of them talk for a while, and eventually rey got back in the car and we began driving back home. in the car, rey told me that jill still wanted to be with him. i couldnt explain how happy that made me--i was so afraid that it would tear them apart. but they're stronger than that. and then, he told me that hed rather be with me. oh shit. ohshitshitshitshit. so i dont know what to do.
i hate drama. this is so stupid.