Oct 21, 2009 11:08
Let's start off with the freakin hormones...
so, my last post was pretty much caused by a spike in my hormones i think. I had been off of birth control for a good 6-7 months. I decided to go back on, not thinking anything of it. Oh. My. God. I feel like I want to kill people. I get annoyed and it's like someone just killed my baby, I am so angry all the time. I think I am going to just finish out the month with the ring and take it the hell out of me. That's it, I should have just stuck with doing it the natural way. No flippin hormones. My body is just too sensitive.
Fall, my most favorite season ever, is upon us. YAY! We had a fall party last weekend here with pumpkin pie, apple spice cake, baked apples, barbeque, apple cider...oh man it was amazing! Then we went up to Olana and checked out the pumpkin walk and looked at the view which was phenomenal. I absolutely love the fall. I can wear layers and be cozy and drink pumpkin spice lattes all day long! My excercise routine needs some work. Fall is the best time to run and I haven't been doing it. I will, I just need some time to breath.
Babies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Um, so two of my bestest friends, both in Denver, had babies yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAHOO! I am going to go to Denver to visit, not sure when. I am just so excited. They got pregnant around the same time and one went late and one went early and bam! Same day, two lovely babies! I'm so happy for both of them. Lori had a baby boy and they're not saying the name yet cause i think they're still arguing over it. Christine had a girl named Jordyn Lee. Everyone is doing great! I love babies.
Last but not least, we have a memorial party for my gram this weekend and the whole family is going to be around. Not that I don't love my whole family but they are all fighting. They always are. My uncle is refusing to come to the party and everyone else is just being very childish. My Aunt is coming and wants my bedroom. I'm not sure why that's ok, but apparently my mom said that guests can't sleep on the couch. So Jack and I will be sleeping on the couch and my Aunt Karla gets my bedroom. She will be sleeping most of the day, so I better have all my stuff out before she goes to bed at night. I'm pretty excited for Grams party though, this is what she wanted and we should celebrate her life the right way. No matter what happens with everyone else, I'm gonna dance my heart out for Gram cause that is what she would have wanted. Off to babysit I go...