First Entry, woo!

Mar 15, 2013 11:15

I've just now joined the LJ community, so that I can keep up with all my favorite storytellers and CC makers since they don't seem to be on Tumblr.

For my creations (until I organize everything here), visit, lots of goodies like readable Simlish re-designs of books called the "Books for Sims Project", a project started by me to convert lots of book sets so that our Simmies can have lots of our own favorites to read in their language! As well as vectors, and other resources.

I want to thank you all for making me feel like the Sims community is one big family, it's been so much fun learning and creating and sharing with everyone. I fought the idea of making yet another site account but since it seems like many of my favorites are sticking to LJ, I thought I'd come here too and join the madness :P.


