The School Run

Jun 02, 2014 22:14

Shorty was back at school today, half term has been great fun but sadly holidays must end and school returns, there are fun bits to the daily routine though :-)

Mini wakes up about 6.30 for her morning feed, not a bad time for a little one I don't think and it gives us about an hour to cuddle up together in the quiet.  Tiny and Shorty come for cuddles at 7.30, climbing into my bed and reading stories or telling each other about fun dreams they've had or in Tiny's case making up daft stories about sweets and candyfloss clouds :-)  All days should start with time for cuddles I feel :-)

We walk up to school, it's not far and in winter the view as we walk around the corner near school and see the sun rising over the sea is enough to improve any day.  Today the sun was up already and the grass on the field was being cut and everything smelt just like summer should but best of all was that every child we came across on the way to school was smiling.  I don't remember being full of smile on my way to school any day of my school career never mind on the first day back after holidays but these kids seemed to be looking forward to their day.

I have tried to remember those happy kids throughout the day and t face everything I've done with a smile on my face, I even managed to smile at the healthvisitor who spoke to me like i was five at clinic this morning.  I asked her how I might stop Mini from stealing food and eating it without putting her off just a few weeks before she 'should' start on real food.  What i wanted was some help, what i got was a lecture on the evils of food before 26 weeks because obviously we are all dead or fatally poisoned by our parents following the guidelines at the time and feeding us evil poison food before the magical 26 week mark.

Anyway, this post has taken about an hour to write because I only have my left hand available as my little baby girl is asleep on my right,  it plays havoc with my typing but I'll miss my cuddles when she's big enough to go to bed on her own!

PB xx
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