I updated my LJ layout. Thanks to wade. <3<3<3
It's pretty and white. *___*
Look you bastards look!!
Oh, btw, this is for Dan-kun;
I feel so fat and stupid today.
My friends were joking with me about how I'm an airhead and how we're all doomed, that I'm handing fire and chemicals in Chemistry. They also joked about how I was so dependant on people. It was just for fun at first, but it got me upset after I really thought about it.
Plus, the clothes I was wearing made me look big. Then, I ate three slices of pizza out of the 8 me, Rose, and Andrew ordered. I feel so fat and I'm just eating rice for dinner because it's low in fat and I love it.
I think Joey's avoiding me too....
Actually, I think everyone's avoiding me... =/