May 18, 2008 01:09
I have this feeling of impending doom that has sprung up out of nowhere. I don' t like it. I just have this sinking feeling like my world is about to come crashing down around me and I'm going to be left broken.
However, we serve a God who is sovereign, so even in the midst of utter disapointment and total heartbreak, I know that I can trust that it's for the best. It may hurt for a while, but when all is said and done, I'll be able to look back and see the hand of God working things to his glory and for the best. It's happened many times before, it will happen many times again before I breathe my last. The trials are hard and they are only going to get harder as time goes on, but I have nothing to fear as I am in the hands of the living God who loves perfectly and acts accordingly.
This was the sole source of comfort for me over Christmas when it seemed that my family was going through the hardest trials that I had seen them deal with to that point, all at once. It is the one thing that will keep me going when the hammer falls and this doom overtakes me. It is the one thing that I can cling to that I know is truth when the lies attempt to break in and ransack my emotional health.
In other words, the soveriegnty, love and power of God are the only real rock that can be depended on when all the world turns to quicksand.