Feb 25, 2010 23:48
Ohhh my god, I'm looking forward to Final Fantasy XIII being released...IT'S GOING TO BE ON PS3OMGHOWMUCHMOREGORGEOUSCANYOUGETFF O:
...speaking of which, I own but have not properly played FFXII...okay, Chrissie, even if this game has a battle system you decide you don't like like FF12, YOU MUST PLAY IT D:
And, and then, then, oh my god, the best pokemon game of all time is being re-released D:
My childhood! All those times spent with my baby pokemans, nurturing them until they kicked some butt...only to discover the WHOLE NEW WORLD after the E4...this brings tears to my eyes...*sob*
Oh, and the new DSI (possibly XL? I could've bust a gut in Hamleys when some kid said 'dad, that means extra light.' FAIL, SMALL CHILD. IT MEANS EXTRA LARGE. THE NEW DSI NEEDS A DIET.) has a very poor choice of colours in the UK. Browny red? Really, Nintendo. Shame on you.