Apr 15, 2011 10:06
fuck you body
fuck you and all your mutiny and refusal to cooperate with me and making EVERYTHING GO WRONG
fuck you for making me not even give a flying shit about being a grammar nazi. i'll get you back for this later you'll see. inexcusable bs
fuck you for making me not able to even think straight. i know my mind is fucked up i don't need or want you fucking reminding me thanks go away
and for making me go through mood/personality/whatthefuckever switches so fast even i can't keep up--fuck you backwards and around with a goddamn chainsaw. that's how i feel right now. congratulations
fuck you for making me hurt so bad that i can't even sleep. damnit i've dealt with severe insomnia for almost two years this should be nothing. stayed awake for five days and felt NOTHING.
fuck you for making it so bad that i went and cried in front of my girlfriend over something like this, now i just feel Pathetic and horrible over the pain and i DO NOT TOLERATE FEELING WEAK LIKE THIS. damnit i'm a fucking MASOCHIST and still you have to make EVERYTHING so bad that sda;lfjals;kdjklgfjkla;sjdl;asjf;slfuckthisidon'tevenknowwhati'mtalkingaboutanymore
and fuck the sick sadistic WHATEVER that gave this defective shell to me. how about you give me one that ain't set out to destroy me, or none at all. thank you don't come again
i hate you all
also fuck you for making me take 2740172984 times longer to type this than i should have. why am i getting words like "mental" and "grammar" mixed up of all things. HA. "mental nazi". i'm almost inclined to agree right now thank you very much
now you all know what a mental case i am. oops.
fuck this