Jun 22, 2006 15:41
So I had an interveiw, finally, with Computer Associates and they are 99% sure I can start next week. They just have to do a background check but I am squeaky clean. I'll be working on a lot of training material, which might include a manual but they seem to be wanting me for setting up the online treating. I might work on the "script", so it's writing, sort of. They are one of the Forture 100 greatest places to work and they have all these morale building fun things. Group trips, daily food fun (each day, except tuesday, has a different food they give out like ice cream or bagels or cake), picnics. It's crazy.
I get $10 an hour and time and a half for overtime. Plus there may be an oppurtunity for it to continue into the fall or something.
I'm very excited and hopefully they won't regret hiring me.