Mar 20, 2006 15:34
Spring break was pretty damn good. Stayed put but still, so relaxing. Went to Seamus' parents' house for a few days and it was like staying in a mountaintop chateu. The weather was nice, with a slight breeze. The hot tub was always waiting for us to hop in. He has some of the friendliest cats I ever met (Tippy and Killer are the shit, I love them, Lily though is a bitch and watched triumpantly as we left.) He even put out candels for our fancy dinner. Plus Seamus, Sean, and I make a good team. Stayed in the apartment the next week. Few err moments but mostly fine. Every moment though, reminded me more and more why I love Sean. It was like the Honeymoon stage all over again. I'm not allowed to say he doesn't love me for awhile.
I've been feeling very in the middle of things lately. Like people can shift their problems to me. Like if they r annoyed at something they can't control, I get the brunt of it. I don't feel like a victim, more like the bad guy. Like you can't be honest with whoever you have a problem with so somehow I'm responisble for something. It's hard to explain, and I'm only pissed about it because it's happened before. I'm the one you can be mad at when you're really mad at your boyfriend, or your roommate, or yourself. It's obnoxious.
Went home for a night and that was ok. Mom's family came over, always cool. Got a little confused on the Subway but I figured it out. Some of subway system has confusing signs and I couldn't find my way into Penn Station. Now I know I can figure things out if I'm lost though, so that's good.