Oct 29, 2007 02:38
So here I sit, at my computer, alone in the dark at 2:40 in the morning. Right now seems like an apt time to post; I am somehow motivated by the constant drone of the refrigerator and the methodical snoring coming from distant rooms. The soothing sounds of solitude; the sweet symphony of the lonely night; the haunting melody that tickles my ears as the sound of my own drawn breath threatens to paralyze me in terror...
For some reason the junk mail that came with the mail yesterday wasn't thrown away. In my boredom and need for a novel - yet temporary - escape from my typical fare drove me to examine my local couponclipper magazine. Within it's pages - all to eager to be read - I found a pleasant surprise. A coupon for rent 1 get 1 free at Hollywood Video. What luck, for just days earlier I had created an account at my 2nd most local Hollywood Video to fulfill a sick need for suspense and horror. Continuing in that perverse vain that began with Saw III and House on Haunted Hill, Colby and I decided to keep the ball rolling and visit the local Hollywood Video last night. We grabbed Event Horizon, Hostel II and Sphere. We watched Event Horizon that very night... my god... I forgot how terrifying that movie is and I have fallen in love with it all over again. Such brilliant majesty, contained within pure chaos and destruction.
Tonight we watched Hostel II. To even begin to think of it's awfulness causes me to lose my very nice atmosphere that I have going for myself here. It was god awful, end of discussion.
Afterward we proceeded to watch the end of the top 100 scariest moments in horror; some special that Colby recorded. It was totally on the ball till #1: Jaws. Fuck that, what a let down.
The ghost that possessed me to write in a much darker mind-set seems to have left... time to revert to typical blogging demeanor.
Work has been going well... though it seems to be going on forever. I am making good money though, can't complain about that.
Last night I had such grand ideas. I was going to get together with people... go out... have a good time. Didn't happen. Tahl came over to pick up some stuff, we had a little session and that was that. I ended up just sitting in front of my computer while all of my friends played D&D in the back yard. Thankfully, Lisa was online and kept me company. We ended up chatting for 4 1/2 hours while switching back and forth between a low-budget Vampire special on the History Channel and Underworld on AMC. While it was unfortunate for her that she was bound at home and could not go out, I was grateful for the company.
My players have asked me to start a game for them. It forces me to put some projects on the side, but I am welcome for the distraction and the eagerness. It's been a good, long time since I ran a game; and I honestly feel like I'm ready to commit to one again. I look forward to working on it during my Adolescence lecture.
The refrigerator stopped making noise... the snoring has ceased... the water that drips endlessly from our broken shower head doesn't seem to be making its tell-tale "drip... drip... drip..." The sound of the keys clacking as I type these words sounds so otherwordly - it scares me to think that I am making these sounds. I think I hear music... or the sound of an old man talking. Such strange things manifest in the dark and silence.
I am so tired, but the thought of going to bed is absolutely horrifying. Perhaps that chilling terror that I sought in all those horror movies has finally come to me. I wish I had never longed for it, it's a terrible thing.
Until next time,