Today was one random fuck day; an interesting high of a random fuck week.
So, on Friday I told William (my boss) that if he does not increase my pay that I will quit. This was prompted by the fact that Andrew (hardest working employee) quit and is done this week, which will make my job monumentally more difficult. I felt my pay needed to increase to compensate not only for that, but for all the work and responsibility I have now.
Long story short, he said he would get back to me today with an answer; and so I waited. Apparently, while he was gone he put his brother Mike in charge - who let me tell you, makes William look like a god damn angel. Mike is a business nazi who treats everyone like a peon and less-than-human. To put it simply, on monday he called and was unsatisfied with our performance for the day (hardest day we've worked in 2 months mind you) and proceeded to yell at me, call me a liar and used vulgarities to get his point across. Needless to say I was shocked and pissed, I told him I would talk to him on wednesday regarding his conduct.
To interject as it is chronologically relevant, I gave my speech yesterday. I taught the class to play the movie game, it went well and I got an A - though my professor marked me down for some things I don't agree with and I will talk to her about it tomorrow. The class was very receptive and everyone was eager to get the rules I had printed out so they could try it out. Aside from that, I spent yesterday job hunting and relaxing.
On to today, for one thing I had an interview with Maria's Italian Kitchen in Agoura (down the street from where I am now) for a serving position. I tried calling William and Mike (William's brother) but was getting the run around from both of them today. They kept avoiding me and I knew that as soon as I took my lunch break Mike would call (he watches us on the security cameras). They day went smoothly because Nick showed up for work (surprisingly) and we got all of our work done.
Again to interject as it is chronologically relevant, I left at lunch for my job interview at Maria's. Long story short, I have the most impressive resume they have ever seen and they offered me the job on the spot. I told them I would think about it because my current situation hasn't been resolved, they told me that they will keep me on file and to call them when I have an answer.
Back to work, of course, Mike called while I was gone. I called him back and actually got him, and we sat down for our little chat, here are is the jist of it:
I told him that his conduct and behavior was unprofessional and uncalled for; that given my position, my level of commitment and my work that I deserve to be treated in a professional and courteous manner; I felt that he was out of line, that he has no business treating me like that and that I do not deserve it. His response? "Okay." That is when I asked him for an apology, I will write out the conversation for emphasis:
Me: "I think that your attitude and behavior was inappropriate and hurtful and I would like to ask for an apology."
Him: "Okay."
Me: "Okay, what?"
Him: "You can ask for an apology."
Me: "Uh... alright... I request an apology."
Him (I swear to god): "Request for apology confirmed."
Me: ""
Him: "What?"
Me: "Am I getting an apology?"
Him: "I have taken your request into consideration (tone of finality.)"
Me: "Uh huh, okay then."
I told him that I think he should apologize for his behavior and he went off on how this is how he runs his business, he has years of experience with top business, his resume spans pages and that I better get used to it.
Very long story short, he essentially put the point across that I won't be getting my raise, that he is justified in all his actions and that I have no business with William.
So I quit. I put in my resignation. Fuck that place. For the amount they pay me I could get a MUCH easier job that is less of a headache, or for the same amount of responsibility and work I can be making a TON more. I'm not going to go into all the bullshit that happened in the rest of the conversation, but it definitely sealed the deal for me. If William gets upset, he can blame his brother.
After that, the power went out... in the whole city of Agoura, it was insane. We convinced Mike to let us leave because we spoke to Edison and they said it would be out for the rest of the day. As soon as he said yes, the power came back on. What a fucking trip.
Anyway, so now I'm back on the hunt for a job and I feel a sense of freedom in my liberation from this hell-hole. I don't need a job with an abusive work environment and a boss who doesn't trust anything you say, calls you a liar, is constantly over your shoulder and curses at you. Fuck that.
I apologize for the length, but you know, a lot happened.
Until next time,
*Busy, busy, busy is what a Bokononist whispers "whenever [he] thinks about how complicated and unpredictable the machinery of life really is." - The Books of Bokonon