Continue on....

Sep 25, 2004 00:14

So its time to go out there. Stand in the gap and save the lost generation. I've been sitting around to long. I've been laying in my bed way to long. Its time to press in. Get out of this comfort zone. Bring the loss home. We cannot sit and watch. I know I'm about you?

I have lived for myself before, I jus don't wanna do that again. Dying to ourselves and start living for Jesus. I know I will. Would you like to join me. My only regret in life is not doing that sooner. I can say the same for many. So would you like to join me. I want you to come with me when the time comes. Lets stop living for ourselves and start living for Jesus. I don't know why im writing this, but i just started typing and this had to come out.

God loves you and wants to experience peace and life - abundant and eternal.
Go dcreated us in His own image to have an abundant life. He didnt make us as robots to automatically love and obey Him. God gave us our own will and freedom to chose. We choose to disobey God and go our own wilful way. We stil make this choice. This creates a separtion from God. The sin we do...
There are sooo many ways people attempt to fill that separation from God; good works, religion, philosphy, good morals....
but the only way we can bridge that gap is to accept Jesus Christ into our lives. Jesus died on the Cross and rose from the grave. This paid the penalty for our sins and bridged the gap between us and him. We must trust Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and receive Him by personal invitation.

I have accepted Jesus into my life. Would you like to join me? All you gotta do is Admit your need, Be willing to turn from you sins, Belive that Jesus died on the Cross for you and rose from the grave. Through prayer, invite Jesus Christ to come in and control you life through the Holy Spirit. If you do this please call me and i want to pray with you. I dont wanna leave my phone number here cuz its kinda creepy but im sure you will get it.

If anyone has something negative to say about this... all I can say is...

"Judge for yourselves whether it is right in God's sight to obey you rather than God. For we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard."
Acts 4:19&20
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