
May 12, 2005 13:11

[Spell your first name back wards]: Ssej
[The story behind your msn name]: There's no story, I'm too lazy and unoriginal to come up with something more exciting than my name.
[Where do you live?]: In a rumpus room, same house I've been in my entire life.
[3 words that sum you up]: This changes with my mood, soo...... moody?! tempremental? unmotivated.

[Wallet]: depends which one I use... either a black pouch-y sorta thing with one zipper for cards/notes and another zipper for coins; OR brown leather purse. Lots of slots for cards, notes, zipper thing for coins, and 2 "photo" windows.
[Hairbrush]: ummm... it has a black handle?! and i think there is some blue on it as well.
[Jewellery you wear daily]: 5 earrings (3 sleepers, 2 studs), necklace with my name in arabic, Jag watch, anklet, toe ring. Usually a bracelet as well, but a link is breaking so not wearing it atm. Also have 5 rings that I wear... intermitently. All gold.
[Pillow cover]: Which one?! There are 6 pillows in my room. 4 black, and 2 with same pattern as my quilt... light grey/ dark grey and white swirly things.
[Coffee cup]: One that I got for my b'day from "Ward's"... either that, or my precious eeyore mug
[Shoes]: dark grey globes, black ankle boots
[CD in stereo right now]: My stereo doesn't like cd's, but my dvd has mirrorball in it.
[What are you are wearing now]: Jeans and a long sleeve shirt which says *reads shirt* "body glove since 63" on it. Also, a pair of purple, white, orange and red striped toe-socks.
[Hair]: Shoulder length... brown with some faded red colour that I put in a month or so ago. Currently wet and shoved up in a clip.

[In my mouth]: tongue and teeth
[In my head]: not a great deal... suppose there's a brain in there somewhere... and some blood. Too much blood atm, I think. Is thumping around in there.
[Some of your favourite movies]: Bah. Who cares.
[Something you're looking forward to]: Finishing this semester of uni. And one or two other things.
[The last thing you ate?]: Milo
[Something that you are deathly afraid of?]: losing what I love

[Do you like candles]: Yeah. Love watching the flame, and I love the sort of light they create.
[Do you believe in a thing called love]: Yeah.
[Do you believe in soul mates]: I haven't really developed an opinion one way or another... mainly because I think the term "soul mates" just sounds stupid, and is all cliched.
[Do you believe in love at first sight]: I don't believe love can be based solely on someone's appearance... I believe in obsession or lust at first site.
[Do you believe in forgiveness]: What, that it exists?! Yes. ... Or do I believe in forgiving people?! which is yes too I suppose. So doesn't matter. Yes.
[If you could have any animal for a pet]: I would have a white tiger cub... that remains a cub (seeing as though this is hypothetical I can have whatever I want!) Or a wolf.
[What are 3 places you wouldn't mind relocating to?]: atm?! my bed, a bed in some nice cabin or house (that doesn't belong to someone else) somewher around Canadian rockies, or in front of a fire place. Preferably with B. As far as relocating my living arrangements? Location isn't something I've really thought about in detail.
[What are some of your favorite pig out foods?]: Chocolate, frosty fruits, s&v chips, nachos. There are too many to choose from.
[What's something you wish you could understand better?]: Myself, B, people in general (sometimes), and spanish.
[Anyone you miss that you haven't seen in a long time?]: There are people I haven't seen in ages, that I'd like to see again... that the same as missing them?

[Cried]: Yesterday, and the day before...
[Gotten sick]: Well... I'm sorta flu-ish atm.... but last time I was really sick?! Ummm... Prob glandular fever last year.
[Sang]: Last night, watching Spics and Specs. (or however it's spelt?!)
[Eaten]: wouldn't "ate" be more appropriate here? This is a poorly constructed quiz. I couldn't refrain from criticising it for any longer. And last night... just after dinner I had one "alp" of toblerone.
[Felt stupid]: This morning.
[Hugged someone]: Last night, B.
[Wanted to tell someone you loved them]: All the time.
[Met someone new]: I only really meet new people at uni, in my tuts every semester. Oh, I met more of B's family last week?
[Talked to someone you have a crush on]: No crushes.
[Fought with your parents]: Don't really fight with my parents. I bicker with my parents. My dad, in particular. Can't remember the last real "fight" I had with my mum, I think it was about 3 or 4 years ago, Dad was prob 2 years ago.
[Dreamed about someone you can't be with]: I frequently dream about people I can't be with (there are always lots of people in my dreams), but - I have no desire to be with any of them either.

[Are you center of attention or the wallflower]: Wallflower.
[What type of automobile do you drive]: My trusty old magna.
[Would you rather be with friends or on a date]: Date?! I don't date... would I rather go somewhere with just B, or with B and friends?! lol...
[Do you attend church]: Not since I was about... 15?
[Do you like being around people]: Depends on my mood, usually yes. Certain people though. Not just anyone. I'm not a "crowds" person.
[Who have you known the longest]: My family?! Otherwise, probably Jim :)
[Who do you argue the most with]: Bec... well, again - we don't argue. We bicker constantly though.
[Who do you always get along with]: *shrug* I don't spend much time one on one with people anymore. Except B of course, and Em. I don't really know how well people feel they get on with me?!
[Who has the coolest siblings]: Me :) ... well, siblings by blood.
[Who is the smartest]: Uut of who!? Why do you keep asking stupid unspecific questions?! Academically?! Probably Bec... But it really depends how you classify "intelligence".
[Who is your Hero]: Don't have one.

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