wuh? I don't have an xxxHolic icon? damn!

Jun 28, 2008 23:58

Drama in Tescos! My God. This woman exited the shop with a tag still on so lo-and-behold the alarms went off. Dan (security-guy XD) asked her to come back in so he could check her receipt. She seemed to think he was accusing her of shoplifting (it's mandatory you stupid bint) so she starts screaming. "How dare you treat me this way! Stop staring at me! I'll never shop here again!" etc. etc.

She goes out, comes back in, starts yelling at Customer Services XD; Leaves a second time and we all realise she's parked in the Disabled area so Michelle (co-worker) goes out to tell her off XD; She came back in veeery mad (Michelle that is, not the ex-customer).

Also got moaned at for lack of stock. Apparently our stores the worse and now customers have to go all the way to ASDA afterwards. Just...go there first why don't you. I wanted to shout, I'm not in charge of stock! Fuck off you idiots, I'm a checkout operator, I put the frickin' items through, not put them on shelves. Ugh.

But yeah, other than that work was boring XD So I wrote drabbles - at the till. It was quite amusing, people were all..."Is this till still open?"

I was very tempted to answer "No, just let me finish this sentence." But I didn't want to be fired DX So I have one xxxHolic drabble and one half-finshed Reborn! one.

My muse seems to be on top form today XD; I've already started/posted two multiparters on ff.net, the first one is an AU-Naruto fanfic. Don't ask. the second is an AU-Kingdom Hearts one. Yeah...really. Don't ask.

Oh, and look at the time. I'm 19 already XDDD I'll post the drabbles...sometime when I'm fully awake. I'm bound to mess up somewhere otherwises. Oiiii~

OHHHH! AND THIS IS VERY FUN. If you like Clamp. Otherwise it's confusing as hell.

...I don't know why I put that in capitals XDDD;;;

work, fandom, naruto, reborn!, fanfic, kingdom hearts

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