
Oct 27, 2007 13:44

Ye Gads I like my disappearing acts don't I?

So what's new in the life of Lea? Hmmm~

- University is hell. Seriously.

- I've already handed in my first essay 4 weeks in. And we're going to be studying them in a seminar next week. W.T.HEELLLLLLL.

- I joined the gym :D I've had 5 hours sleep because my induction was at eight o'clock this morning. Even the gym-guy thought this was bad. Ha. Also my thighs hurt. That is all.

- I am addicted ADDICTED I TELL YOU to Twelve Kingdoms. If you have not seen it...do. It's pure awesomeness <333 Brilliant. Nodame Cantabile Live Action is also very kewl.

- I have no money. None.

- BUT I have a shiny new laptop and loads of new just-as-shiny books :D

Anything else?

I went horse riding. Once. It's terrifying. DDD:

I haven't been doing anything other than that. I don't think. Reading, writing essays and watching anime. That's it. Huh. Boring life of Lea.

SEE?! This is why I do not write!

I also joined facebook because it's, uh, the done thing at Uni. (Everyone seems to have one?) Leanne McLaughlin if anyone has one XDD;;;

One more thing, everyone should have this thing. It's the cutest, sweetest thing since sugar ♥

gym-a-go-go, update, laptop!!, twelve kingdoms watch or die, stuffs

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