
May 16, 2006 13:59

~ Seattle summer with virtually no humidity, at least comparatively speaking, has arrived. It's gorgeous and what with all the azaleas and rhododendrons in bloom, color is literally everywhere.

~ I'm feeling very ready to move on from my AmeriCorps position. I love what the organization stands for but I'm about done with the office politics. It's also making me just a wee bit cynical -- are there offices that don't have politics?

~ Is teaching in my future...? I feel like I fought it tooth and nail for quite a while and when it was the only job around, fell in love. I'm currently extremely interested in a number of degrees from Columbia University. Am I ready to move all the way back across the country...? And how does one go about getting a paraprofessional job...?

~ There are a number of people in my life right now that...I feel incredibly blessed to have...but feel almost a bit bewildered as to from where they came. As in, they appear to have simply dropped into my life...and it's great...but...but...but... :-P

~ If you ever have the chance to see Cirque du Soleil (Quebec based acrobatic/dance/music/circus -- all people, for the animal rights activists among us -- group), GO. End of story. :-) They are worth the ticket price...I promise.

~ Got a Keeper the other day. (To all those grossed out by talk of menstrual cycles, this is your cue to stop reading. :-P) I am highly pleased. I think this might be the least messy, most comfortable period possibly ever. :-) And collecting the blood is awesome...I'm not quite inspired like Sarah to take up painting with it :-P but maybe the houseplants will benefit. :-) I am intrigued.
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