Placebo Last Night:
Support bands archie branson band and the howling bells were fucknig shit.
Placebo were good,played alot of the new album which is good since i listened to it alot the 2 days previous, the hits were good to,the encore was rubbish, pretty good,not really good though,about 5 times better last time.
Good Spending a night with sarah.
Why Do WWE make ECW balls. CM Punk is obviously the most popular wrestler (well him or RVD) yet they make CM Punk,the best new wrestler of the past 6 years go out first in the elimination chamber. Not to mention up until then he was undefeated for 6months and then he lost in a shit elimination chamber. The fact that he went out fucknig first aswell made him look like he couldn't step up to the big time. And Test,fuckngi Test stayed in longer than him, what the hell?
Why don't they just give the fans what the clearly want rather than what the want. Booby Lashley is someone i really do like, but it was clear when he won the elimination chamber that everyone was boo'in,simply because CM Punk(or RVD) didn't win. When Cm Punk was eliminated a chant of "bullshit" ran through the building for about 5-10minutes.
This kind of reminds me of Christian,someone who was obviously the most over wrestler about just got treated like balls.
Cm Punk is also the superstar selling the most merchandise for ECW so why not make him the champion,they say it's too soon but sooner than later is better.
So because of this everyone says go to TNA you'll be the champ,trouble is besides one amazing match per pay per view it's a pile of shite and so are it's story lines, the only decent story line was the angle vs joe one is it was all about who the better wrestler was and the hatred they had because of each other claiming it. But still angle is a wank
CM Punk