Jan 16, 2016 00:03
I used to LOVE Head Over Feels and their witty Scandal gifcaps.They used to be one of the few recap sites that actually gushed over adorable, dorky David Rosen like I do. But now they barely mention him at all, and when he is mentioned, they never mention the good scenes he's in. I’ve lost all interest in them since they started salivating over greasy Leo Bergen and Liz North.
I think the only time they mentioned David in the Season 4 finale recap was to snidely mock him for giving up. Yeah, because not wanting to die is so cowardly…
Another thing I don’t like is the reviewer worships Abby. I used to like Abby, but after last season I did a complete 180. I can’t stand her now. I even used to like Dabby as a ship, but after re-watching previous seasons, I realized Abby treated David like absolute crap, and he deserves so much better than her and Liz.
I hope David finds someone good to love this season who ISN'T Ellen's Degeneresse's mediocre wife.
As for Gabby...oops, I mean Abby.... her and Leo can ride off into the sunset for all I care.
scandal abc,
head over feels